LAN/ WAN/ VPN Installation and configuration

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SD WAN Services

SD-WAN is a software-defined wide area network. ITACS offers architecture that manages the software-defined edge of network services, has centralised management and control, zero-touch provisioning, and a single point adapting to the whole network dynamically. It’s the power of SD-WAN, with its layers of diverse, heterogeneous network, that enables your network with high capacity links. ITACS has been able to harness that high capacity for growth in all of the enterprise applications that we are seeing. From banks to insurance, and retail, oil and gas, and manufacturing. Ten to fifteen applications are hosted by each sector, with many of them on the cloud. Traffic patterns have changed and managing a WAN architecture is the challenge these sectors face.

VLAN Services

In a virtual local area network(VLAN), device connections are created logically, which means the network is more flexible than a LAN. It also offers flexibility in making changes, as VLAN connections are not impacted by the physical location of each device. VLANs are used as an alternative to LANs because they offer greater scalability, better security, and improved network management.

ITACS Communications LLC
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